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Centre for Human Rights

CAS in Responsible Business Conduct


The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) will be offered again in February 2025. The application deadline for the 2025 programme is October 31, 2024. More details on the CAS RBC 2025 are now available on this website and on our new flyer and brochure  below.

The CAS RBC was launched in 2024 as part of the University's continuing education programme and is organised by the Centre for Human Rights (UZHR) of the University of Zurich. The CAS RBC aims at supporting professionals and practitioners who seek to enhance their skills in the dynamic field of Responsible Business Conduct.

With a practical approach that emphasises the crucial process of due diligence, the CAS RBC provides participants with the necessary tools to align business practices with the principles of Responsible Business Conduct, including human rights and environmental sustainability.

Distinguished experts with diverse backgrounds, coming from standard-setting international organisations, business, academia, and civil society, will share their knowledge and provide valuable insights and guidance to the participants.

February 2025


CHF 7,500


Application deadline
31 October 2024

Course Duration
6 months

The Certificate is set to begin in February and to last until July 2025. All teaching sessions take place online to facilitate participation from all over the world. Online classes are scheduled Fridays and/or Saturdays, generally schedule every two weeks.

The essential requirements for the completing this CAS RBC are:
1. the active participation to all virtual sessions and 2. the successful completion of the group case study and the final project. 

Applying for the CAS RBC starting in 2025 is possible until the end of October using our online tool. If you need more information do not hesitate to contact us at

Info Session

For an exaustive overview and more details on the certificate, we recommend watching last year's information session video.

Weiterführende Informationen

Click here to apply for the CAS in RBC